New packaging for Aqua-Traxx® PBX


We have designed a completely new packaging for our Aqua-Traxx® drip tape that brings several benefits for both the farmers and the distribution chain.

The newly designed packaging allows to house more meters per reels. This allows an easier and quicker installation and optimizes the logistics.



Benefits for farmers

Longer reels with the newly designed Aqua-Traxx® packaging means less changeovers during installation (down to 20% less changeovers!).

Tape laydown and overall system installation will be easier and quicker.

The newly packaging optimizes loads

The newly designed Aqua-Traxx® packaging optimizes loads thus reducing the impact of shipping costs (up to 20% less).

Longer reels with the newly designed Aqua-Traxx® packaging means lower use of couplings (down to 20% less couplings!) with a consequent reduction in system overall costs.

Longer reels with the newly packaging

The newly designed packaging optimizes warehouse spaces allowing to stock more drip tape in the same volume (up to 25% more meters).
The cleared space could be used for providing an even better service to the whole distribution chain.

Optimizes warehouse spaces allowing to stock more drip tape
Installation is easier and quicker

Thanks to the newly designed Aqua-Traxx® packaging the installation is easier and quicker.

You can work larger surfaces (in the same timeframe) with significant savings in terms of time, labor and machinery's utilization.

Optimized packaging means reduced handling operations

Optimized packaging means reduced handling operations with consequent labor saving and better forklift utilization (down to 45% less operations).